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Changing Medicine


The Cannabis Doc


Herbal MD is a medical marijuana clinic certifying state-eligible patients in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. 


Our doctors and staff are passionate advocates of marijuana as an alternative (or addition) to traditional treatment of chronic and debilitating conditions. We offer marijuana & dispensary education, certifications and consistent engagement with each patient to ensure optimized dosing and treatment outcomes.  


 Live your best life with confidential and compassionate care.

Patients interested in medical marijuana must visit a state-approved physician and suffer from one of the qualifying conditions based on their state of residence. 

For Patients

 New Jersey Conditions

Pennsylvania Conditions

White Leaf Ornament
For Caregivers
White Leaf Ornament

A patient certified for medicinal marijuana may elect to have a caregiver if needed. A caregiver can be used if a patient’s condition is so severe that they cannot physically go to their alternative treatment center (ATC) by themselves.

Patients may designate up to two caregivers.

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